The HoverCam is a new type of device. We say it is “more than a scanner, and more
than a cameraâ€. This means there are some new concepts when using the HoverCam.
Live vs. Static Preview
With the HoverCam, you get a live preview of the document under the camera. This
means the document orientation can be adjusted in real time. You may place
documents with various sizes freely. It is no longer necessary to wait for slowshowing
static preview scans from a linear scanner.
Snap-Shot vs. Scanning
With the HoverCam, the entire page of a document is captured in a single snapshot.
Expect that snapshot to finish within a split second. There is no mechanical
sweeping action across of a scanning beam. If you are used to the long wait at a
scanner, get ready for an instant change.
Life-Like vs. Copier-Style Images
With the HoverCam, the resulted image is a more accurate reproduction of the real
document or 3 dimensional objects. Expect a life-like image that is significantly
different from the carbon copy style of traditional scan images.